Latin/ Hispanic
These grants are designed to promote economic development, education, and social equity in the Latin/Hispanic communities.
Deadline Date:
Award Amount:
$5,000 - $500,000 Grant Period: One to three years
The Museum Grants for American Latino History and Culture (ALHC) program supports projects that build the capacity of American Latino history and culture museums to serve their communities, and broadly advance the growth and development of a professional workforce in American Latino cultural institutions.
Museums whose primary purpose is reflected in their mission, is American Latino life, art, history, and/or culture, and must: Have at least one full time or equivalent staff person, either paid or unpaid. Have a physical location that it owns or operates. Have been open to the public for at least 120 days in the year prior to November 15, 2024 Own or use tanglible products Museums may be stand-alone organizations, or they may be part of a larger institution, such as as college, university, Tribe, or a state or local government.
Hispanic Serving Institutions: Equitable Transformation in STEM Education (ETSE)
Deadline Date:
Award Amount:
$200,000 - $3,000,000
Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) are an important component of the nation’s higher education ecosystem and play a critical role in realizing the National Science Board Vision Report for a more diverse and capable science and engineering workforce. Aligned with this vision and the NSF Strategic Plan 2022-2026 the goals of the NSF HSI Program are to: 21. Enhance the quality of undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education at HSIs. 2. Increase the recruitment, retention, and graduation rates of students pursuing associate’s or baccalaureate degrees in STEM at HSIs.
To be eligible for funding an institution must meet the following criteria: 131. Be an accredited institution of higher education. 2. O er Undergraduate STEM educational programs that result in certi cates or degrees. 3. Satisfy the de nition of an HSI as speci ed in section 502 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1101a) and meet the eligibility of an HSI by the U.S. Department of Education de nition. Documentation (eligibility letter) from the Department of Education con rming HSI designation must be submitted as a supplemental document.
Deadline Date:
Award Amount:
$200,000 - $1,000,000
Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs)are an important component of the nation’s higher education ecosystem and play a critical role in realizing the National Science Board’s vision for a more diverse and capable science and engineering workforce 1,2.
Aligned with this vision and the NSF Strategic Plan3, the goals of the NSF HSI Program are to:
Enhance the quality of undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education at HSIs.
Increase the recruitment, retention, and graduation rates of students pursuing associate’s or baccalaureate degrees in STEM at HSIs. Meeting these goals requires institutions to understand and embrace their students’ strengths, challenges, and lived experiences.
While this can happen in many ways and across many parts of an institution, the Hispanic Serving Institutions: Enriching Learning, Programs, and Student Experiences (HSI:ELPSE) solicitation is specifically focused on studying and improving the student experience in the following settings: STEM courses, particularly for students pursuing STEM degrees; Certificate, minor, and/or degree programs; Academic departments or divisions; and Schools and colleges that represent a part of the entire institution (e.g., a School of Engineering or a College of Natural Sciences).
Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs)
Deadline Date:
Award Amount:
The PepsiCo Juntos Crecemos program is awarding $10,000 grants and access to a 12-week Boost Camp to women entrepreneurs in the food and beverage industry.
Women entrepreneurs in the food and beverage industry